About me
My name is Stewart Abbott.
I have been watching birds for as long as I can remember, it's always been a part of my life. I enjoy every aspect of being outdoors and immersed in nature.
For me, it's not about seeing one particular bird. It's about the whole experience, it's about every bird you see, from a Wren to a White-tailed Eagle.
I've been watching wildlife long enough to know how unpredictable it can be, and that is part of the experience.
So these walks are not for experts, but for people who just enjoy relaxing and being in the company of others that share our passion for wildlife.
I'm a BTO bird ringer
I have been ringing birds as part of the BTO's ringing scheme for over 10 years.
Not only does it produce valuable data for science but it gives me a further insight into the life of birds.
I monitor & ring young birds in over 100 nest boxes every year including Blue Tit, Great Tit, Nuthatch, Sand Martin, Pied Flycatcher & birds of prey such as Barn Owl, Tawny Owl & Kestrel.

Project BOB
I am part of a small group that build & install Barn Owl Boxes (BOB) all around Derbyshire.
We raise money through local events to pay for this scheme & so far have put up over 30 boxes & many have had nesting success.
I volunteer with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust & the BTO.
I carry out survey work & practical conservation.

DBT Gallery