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Linacre Water 6th November 2022

Writer's picture: Stewart Abbott, A Wild LifeStewart Abbott, A Wild Life

Location: Linacre Water, Derbyshire.

Attendees – David, Suzanne, Jill, Clare, and Lorraine.

Date of tour: 6th November 2022

Number of species seen & heard – 33 birds & 1 Mammal (Grey Squirrel)

The Autumn colours really do bring the UK’s countryside to life. It’s a busy period for wildlife as the animals try to make the most of the abundance of food before the harder winter weather arrives.

We started our walk from the top car park and headed down the hill and past the toilets intending to get around all 3 lakes in a clockwise direction. We soon had the obvious woodland species of Wood Pigeon, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Robin, Wren & Coal Tit on our list.

There were times, as you would expect at this time of year, when birds were few and far between. Small passerines gather in large flocks through the Autumn and Winter and move around the woodland. This is a good way to stay safe and find good sources of food, the more eyes the better sort of thing.

We came to the Lower Reservoir and immediately saw Coot, Moorhen, Tufted Duck, Mallard, and Black-headed Gull. Next, we added Cormorant, Carrion Crow, and Chaffinch on the short walk to the Middle Reservoir. On the water here were around 100 mandarin Duck, having just been through moulting the males were looking resplendent in their fresh breeding plumage. A Grey Wagtail was flying around us giving great views and calling like a squeaky dog toy.

As we approached the Upper Reservoir, we headed up the hill to open farmland, just to see what we could add to the list. It was quieter than usual, but we did add Greenfinch, Meadow Pipit, Redwing, Fieldfare, and Mistle thrush. Suzanne called as she had spotted around 300 Pink-footed Geese flying high up travelling West. These were my first pink feet of the season, so I was very pleased indeed.

Retracing our footsteps, we headed back to the water and walked along all 3 reservoirs taking in the fantastic colours in the woodlands. Goosander, goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit and Treecreeper showed well and later Nuthatch, that we had heard but not seen earlier, came out to play.

Arriving back at the car I felt a little disappointed thinking Linacre hadn’t provided much, but when adding up what we had seen, I soon remembered that it’s not about the numbers, but the whole experience that I want to give clients. 33 species is good, but the company was great and for that I was very grateful.

Here is a list of the birds seen & heard on this visit.

Pink-footed Goose

Mandarin Duck





Little Grebe








Carrion Crow


Blue Tit

Great Tit

Coal Tit

Long-tailed Tit







Mistle Thrush


Grey Wagtail

Meadow Pipit





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